Our Cigars
Livonia Cigar Bar offers a wide selection of premium cigars from around the world. Whether you prefer a mild or full-bodied cigar, their selection includes some of the finest and most sought-after brands. From the classic Cohiba to the Dominican Montecristo, their cigars are carefully selected and stored in a state-of-the-art humidor to ensure optimal flavor and freshness. With over 100 different cigars to choose from, Livonia Cigar Bar has something to suit every palate and preference.
Specialty Cigars
God of Fire
Experience the inferno of flavor with the God of Fire Cigar—a captivating blend of rich, smoky notes that transports you to a realm of indulgence and pleasure. Ignite your senses and embrace the intensity of this divine smoke, crafted with the utmost artistry for the true connoisseur.
Opus X Lost City
Embark on a legendary quest with Opus X Lost City, a cigar crafted to honor a fabled city hidden deep within the Dominican Republic. This exceptional smoke takes you on a tantalizing journey, revealing a symphony of flavors that dance upon your palate. Indulge in the rare and exquisite, as the Opus X Lost City cigar weaves a tale of complexity, elegance, and the essence of a mythical realm. Prepare to be enchanted by this truly unforgettable smoking experience.
Opus X Heaven & Earth
Ascend to new heights of cigar perfection with Opus X Heaven & Earth. Born from the fertile soils of the Dominican Republic, this masterpiece is a harmonious blend of craftsmanship and nature’s bounty. Indulge in the heavenly flavors that unfold with each luxurious draw, as the earthy notes intertwine with hints of sweetness and spice. Experience a taste of paradise as you savor the opulence and complexity that only Opus X Heaven & Earth can deliver. Elevate your smoking experience to celestial realms with this extraordinary creation.
Padron 50th Anniversary
Celebrate five decades of excellence with the Padron 50th Anniversary cigar. Meticulously crafted by the Padron family, this limited edition masterpiece is a testament to their unwavering commitment to quality and tradition. Immerse yourself in the rich flavors that unfold with every puff as the carefully aged tobaccos deliver a symphony of complexity and elegance. Experience the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship with the Padron 50th Anniversary, a true milestone in premium cigars.